Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
– Martin Luther King Jr.
How Can I Help You?
I specialize in Criminal Defense. It is the only type of law I practice. The people I help range from juveniles to adults. Everyone deserves a vigorous defense, every case is important, and everyone deserves to be treated with respect. I do not judge my clients, I defend them.
What is Pretrial Intervention (PTI) in New Jersey?
The Pretrial Intervention program provides first-time guilty defendants with the opportunity for an alternative to the traditional criminal justice process of prosecution. The goal of the PTI program is to solve personal problems with rehabilitation services in order to deter future crimes. The program will be considered for offenders who can be reasonably expected to be deterred from criminal behavior.
If you think you may be eligible for PTI, find more information in the Pretrial Intervention Brochure and the Pretrial Intervention Application. Or contact your Local Superior Court Criminal Division.
Can I Expunge My Criminal Record in New Jersey?
In New Jersey, Under N.J.S.A. 2C:52-7 if you have committed only one (1) non-serious felony or misdemeanor then you can be eligible for expungement. Expungement orders are left at the discretion of the judge in the Superior Court of the county where the arrest or prosecution took place. Eligible persons may file a Petition for Expungement and pay a fee to the court to be considered.
Crimes that may be expunged include drug possession, shoplifting, weapons violation, and burglary. Serious felonies that are not eligible for expungement are:
- Aggravated Criminal Sexual Conduct or Assault
- Anarchy
- Arson
- Conspiracy
- Death by Auto
- Embracery
- Endangering the Welfare of a Child
- False Imprisonment
- False Swearing
- Forcible Sodomy
- Kidnapping
- Luring or Enticing
- Manslaughter
- Murder
- Perjury
- Rape
- Robbery
- Treason
- Aiding, assisting or concealing people who committed any of these crimes
How Can I Get Off Megan’s Law in New Jersey?
The Pretrial Intervention program provides first-time guilty defendants with the opportunity for an alternative to the traditional criminal justice process of prosecution. The goal of the PTI program is to solve personal problems with rehabilitation services in order to deter future crimes. The program will be considered for offenders who can be reasonably expected to be deterred from criminal behavior.
If you think you may be eligible for PTI, find more information in the Pretrial Intervention Brochure and the Pretrial Intervention Application. Or contact your Local Superior Court Criminal Division.
All sex offenders subject to Megan’s Law must remain registered for life.
Sex offenders can apply to be removed from the Sex Offender Registry only if they committed one (1) offense, it has been at least 15 years since the offense and they can prove to the court that they are no longer a threat to the safety of others. Sex offenders who were under the age of 14 at the time of the offense can apply to be removed from the Sex Offender Registry if they are now over the age of 18.
Make an appointment to see if you qualify to be removed from the Sex Offender Registry.
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DUI (Drunk Driving)


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Sexual Assault Offenses

Firearm Possession